Payment can be made through either a credit card, debit card, PayPal or bank transfer transfer… if these methods of payment do not work for you, please give us a call or send us an email and we will sort something out.

Credit/ Debit Card & PayPal Payments

If the amount due is not shown below please choose the OTHER AMOUNT NOT SHOWN option below to enter the outstanding amount manually.

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RYA Start Yachting (1 weekend) - £240
Dip your toes in and get you started on your sailing adventure… no experience required!

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RYA Competent Crew Completion (2 weekends) - £480
If you already have your RYA Start Yachting then this allows you to complete the RYA Competent Crew in just two further weekends…

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RYA Competent Crew (5 days) - £600
Jump in with both feet and get started on your sailing adventure… no experience required!

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RYA Competent Crew (3 weekends) - £720
Jump in with both feet and get started on your sailing adventure… no experience required!

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RYA Day Skipper (5 days) - £600
You know your way around a yacht, then take you sailing to the next level as start skippering one…

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RYA Day Skipper (3 weekends) - £720
You know your way around a yacht, then take you sailing to the next level as start skippering one…

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RYA Coastal Skipper (5 days) - £600
You have some day sailing experience as skipper, then why not notch it up a level and start sailing longer coastal passages in more challenging sailing areas and conditions…

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Experience / Mile Builder (1 weekend) - £240
Designed for any level, whether you are a newbie or an old sea dog, this one allows you to get out on the water with an instructor and build on your existing experience and have some fun on the water…

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Experience / Mile Builder (5 days) - £600
Same as the above, only you will have the whole of the Firth of Clyde as your playground due to the additional three days of fun on the water…

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Experience / Mile Builder (7 days) - £840
Same as the above, only you will have an extra couple of days to explore, so maybe even exploring outside of the Clyde…

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RYA Yachtmaster Prep & Exam (7 days) - £910

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Master Class Day (1 day) - £100
This may included Marina Berthing Master Class, Heavy Weather Sailing Master Class, Close Quarter Sailing Master Class, etc..

Our pay via a bank transfer…

Account Name:

Stavordale West Limited
Sort code:
Account number:

Other stuff to be aware of...
While we do our best never to cancel a course (we never have to date), please note that some courses require a minimum number of students to run. If we need to cancel a course for whatever reason we will offer an alternative course date or a full refund without question no later than 7 days before the course start date.

If you have any further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please note we do not have dedicated office staff, we all work out on the water or in the classroom, so please leave a message if we are unable to answer the phone. An email or text is easier for us to respond to and we will get back to you as soon as is humanly possible.