Our online courses are offered through our online training partners, RYA Interactive and Navathome*

If you already know which online course you wish to purchase, please complete the booking form below. You will be redirected to the appropriate payment page upon submitting this form. Once the booking form and payment has been processed, usually the same day, the online course subscription will be created and the login details emailed to you. If the course includes a course pack, this will be posted through Royal Mail and should arrive within three working days of receipt of your login details.

If you are unsure of which course you wish to purchase, please email us or complete our
Contact Us form.

* All prices include UK postage of course packs where applicable. For international shipping, please contact us before completing your order.



RYA Day Skipper Theory


RYA Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster Theory


RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Theory




RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR)


RYA Marine Radio (SRC) - eBook*


RYA Marine Radio (SRC) - Handbook*


Navathome Course Extension


* Note an additional exam and license fee is payable directly to the RYA.

Please note the all fields marked in RED need to be filled. Failure to comply will result in the form throwing a wobbly when you hit the submit button.





If you have received an error that "One or More Required Field(s) are Missing.", the missing item should be highlighted in RED in the form. Either the entry box will turn from BLACK to RED or the text will turn from BLACK to RED, i.e. in the case of not answering the security question… the common one missed. If you are still having problems it's possible that we are experiencing a technical issue, in which case please drop us an email or give us a call so we can: 1. Sack the IT guy, 2. Help you with your booking.